My Life in Mantras


You are lucky to have control over your life, be grateful for your advantages and be proud of your achievements

Don’t take things for granted, value them as such and all their efforts


We are all different, stay open to all kinds of opinions or experiences. Reflecting on them gives us judgment and wisdom


Do not expect anything from anyone, give without receiving anything in return

Not everyone is like you, don’t pretend that it is like that, value those that are closest to your values. You can’t and should not like everyone.


Don’t be a weather vane, make your decisions based on the direction you’ve decided to take. Always remember that the planned or expected destination may not be the ending one, that’s the beauty of life


People change, nor are you the same person you were a few seconds ago. Be open to it


We all make mistakes and we have emotions that affect us


I’m not always the reason why people are happier or sadder

Sometimes it is enough with listening, with being there, and sometimes it is better to not be at all or just let things pass


I’m going to get sick at some point, and I’m calm with it. There is no way to escape from it 🙂


I’m going to die at some point, and I’m calm with it. There is no way to escape from it 🙂


Something bad will happen to my friends and family at some point, and I am calm about it. There is no way to escape from it 🙂


Never be a time slave, nor a nomad of your fears

Be intentional, and not reactive.


Take work as a team sport, build relationships, be sustainable and take breaks


Not all social elements do you good, society is sick in some ways

Understand that trends or socially accepted is not always the right thing, do not be afraid to make a different decision. Of course, keep in mind that you have to be strong with your opinion and stay away from external stimuli that tell you otherwise. Argue your decisions, as you are doing right now.


Every second that passes I get older, and I am calm with it. There is no way to escape from it 🙂


I inherit the results of my body, speech and mind actions. My actions are my only continuation

Be consequent, put your actions where your thoughts are.


Money is not a problem, live without being obsessed with it. You can risk or get carried away, but always with your head

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