8 Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is an active process that allows people to make positive choices in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It includes a positive approach to life and health that helps to maximize the individual’s potential.

There are several models of wellness which contain some or all of the following dimensions: emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, physical, occupational, nutritional, medical, environmental and financial. All of the dimensions are interwoven and interconnected.

Wellness is a balance of these dimensions in your life. I believe that looking after each of these will help us stay young, healthy and wellbeing.

My Question of the day: What is wellness to you?

I will use my favourite framework – the eight dimensions of wellness:

Physical health is the ability to maintain our bodies in a healthy state. It includes what we eat, our level of physical exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and how much we sleep. Without physical health, it is very difficult to be mentally and emotionally healthy.

Emotional health is the ability to control our emotions, express our feelings and to deal with stress and anger. It encompasses optimism, self-esteem and enthusiasm for life. It can be affected by stress, anxiety, depression, anger and by a lack of physical health.

Intellectual health is the ability to learn, grow and be creative. We should be life long learners, be curious and challenge our minds. Learning something new throughout our lives keeps our brains active.

Spiritual health is our sense of the meaning of life and our purpose. This can be values you have to live a happy and purposeful life. Through your spiritual journey you may have thoughts of despair, fear, disappointment as well as feelings of joy, pleasure and happiness.

Social health is about being involved with our community, friends and family. Life involves interdependence; without friends and networks we will be lonely which can lead to depression and other issues. Being with people who make you happy is a wonderful experience.

Occupational health gives us personal satisfaction, enrichment and a feeling of purpose. It does not just mean work that we are paid for but includes parenting and volunteer work. If you do not like your job or it is not meeting your needs, it could lead to anger and resentment.

Environmental health is taking responsibility for and enjoying the environment we live in. We need to consider how our life impacts the planet as living in harmony with the world can affect our wellbeing.

Financial health is living within your financial means and planning your future financial health. It describes the state of one’s personal monetary affairs.

As well, it’s important to identify which of this dimensions depend directly on us. Which are internal dimension, and which ones are external.

Wish that knowing more about this, you are able to assess and reflect on your personal well-being, and continue to live a healthy and peaceful life.

1 thought on “8 Dimensions of Wellness”

  1. Pingback: Life is not money – Carlos Martinez

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